Autism Awareness Month (April) is approaching and it is a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about the Autism Spectrum. As Autism Parents, we have seen an unfortunate trend in the past few years where the month of April is used for profiting.
Therefore, we would like to request of businesses, organizations and/or individuals not use Autism Awareness Month like a holiday theme or marketing ploy to profit by selling products and/or services under the label of “support” for those on the Autism Spectrum. This is especially true when there is no transparency with regards to the benefactors of donations / sales made through the banner of “Autism”.
If businesses wish to support those on the Autism Spectrum or their parents, then we encourage them to provide true support in the form of actual ongoing programs and/or job opportunities where our adult children can work, earn an income and feel fulfilled as citizens of T&T. Please save and share this post in case you see a business online attempting to profit from Autism – make them aware. Thank you.